

The Karma Kriya Center is centered around the student and therefore teaching the practice of Yoga is of the up most important to the center. The name of the center comes from two techniques of Yoga, Karma which is referring to our actions, both mental and physical and Kriya which is referring to our inward actions or spiritual practice. The practice of Yoga is a spiritual practice and should be taken seriously which is a focus of the center.


The Karma Kriya Center is and will always be open to all regardless of finical or religious views. The center does accept donations from practitioner, but the bulk of the funding of the center comes corporate donation as well as advertising from the website.


Techniques of Yoga at the Karma Kriya Center

At the center Hatha Yoga is the main technique of Yoga that is taught, but not the only Yoga technique. There are around twenty different techniques and at the center you can also learn about Hasta Mudras also known as hand gestures, Karma Yoga also known as the Yoga of action, Kriya Yoga also known as the Yoga of internal action, Jnana Yoga also known as the Yoga of knowledge, Bhakti Yoga also known as the Yoga of devotion and Raja Yoga also known as the Yoga of eight paths.


What does the Karma Kriya Center provide

Along with the classes that are taught at the center, every practitioner has the ability to give back to the community through the practice of Karma Yoga, by giving back to the community through volunteer programs.


The center also provides workshops such as Chakra workshops to learn about the seven main Chakras as well as the practices that energizes and activates them. Hatha Yoga workshops to learn how to have a personal practice at home and at the center when practicing in a group.